Simple carbs are those carbohydrates that enter your system very rapidly, or digest in your stomach very quickly. Spiking your insulin and resulting in high levels of glucose in your blood.
Complex carbs break down slowly in your digestive track and give you a constant and steady stream on nutrients which refrain from spiking your insulin and glucose levels. This types of carbs are essential for NOT over eating and maintain your body in a comfortable feeling.
Simple carbs digest so rapidly that they often make us feel hungry about an hour after eating.
Instant Quaker Flavored Oatmeal General:
Principle nutrition facts:
Calories 160
Fat 2 g
Carbohydrates 33g
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Soluble Fiber 1g
Sugar 13g
Protein 4g
Sounds good huh? All those wonder full flavors, but wait! What is that,
Sugar for what? Oh, that's right "taste".
Now your meal just became a hidden Simple Carb meal which we try to avoid.
What sugar does is spike the insulin, realising glucose into your blood stream. What does excess glucose do it not used? That's right, add to your waist line.
Instant NON-Flavored Oatmeal.
Principle nutrition facts
Calories 100 60 less the flavored kind
Fat 2 g
Carbohydrates 33g 14 less the flavored kind
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Soluble Fiber 1g
Sugar 13g 13 less the flavored kind
Protein 4g
Calories 100 60 less the flavored kind
Fat 2 g
Carbohydrates 33g 14 less the flavored kind
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Soluble Fiber 1g
Sugar 13g 13 less the flavored kind
Protein 4g
What does this mean? This means that you are not only eating less calories, less carbs, and less sugar, you are able to eat more of the product, making you feel more full.
It is a known fact that people on restrictive diets, who need to loose weight quickly, feel like that are starving.
Based on my example here, you could eat a little more of the NON-Flavored kind of Oatmeal giving your body the full feeling it needs to be comfortable. Not only are you feeling more full, you are cutting out the bad items from part of your required diet.
It is a win - win situation.
Try this:
Mix in Cinnamon to desired taste
Mix in Ginger to desired taste
Mix in small palm amount of peanuts, cashews, walnuts (high in Omeaga 3) or other favorite nut, adds crunchy desire.
Mix in small amount of dried cranberries, bananas or other fruits. Adds sweet desire.
Splash of Hazelnut, or Caramel coffee flavoring and I mean a splash, anything larger then the 1/2 cap full and you blew it. Adds to enhance flavoring and sweetness.
1/4 scoop protein powder mix of any flavor you like. Adds to the overall protein impacted.
Now you have a high complex carb meal with your added good for you body flavoring seasons, antioxidants from the dried fruits, and a delicious meal.
Have with a glass of green tea and you now have yourself 3 parts to a diet pill as well, but don't tell anyone that is a secret. ;)
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Colby Butler
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