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Monday, March 3, 2008

6-7 Meals a day, the concept

I don't think a lot of people understand the concept. The concept is to simply eat 6-7 meals a day. However key items here are to eat in moderation. This does not mean eat a 600-700 calorie meal every three hours no, it means take your three main daily meals and split them in half to eat though out the day. These meals must be high in protein, good fats, high in slow burn carbs, and sustain your body in your activities daily for 3-4 hours.
Those who have high intensity jobs or higher physical demand during the day will require more. Those people should already know of their personal requirements. Also any person who goes to the gym should understand their own requirements as well and should incorporate their own normal routine (supplements or other) into their plan.

Key Items:
  • High, lean protein. Chicken, turkey, roast beef, ham, other trimmed meat.
  • High concentrated carbs, wheat, sweet potatoes, whole grains, oatmeal etc
  • No refined wheat flour
  • Vegetables. Carrots, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, etc.
  • Handful of fruit. Whole Banana, grapes, pineapple, orange, melons, etc.
  • Minor dairy. Glass of milk, piece of cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Low fat
  • Low sodium
  • Lighter dressing
  • Lighter sauces
  • No sodas, sports drinks, or other sugary substances
  • No fast foods


  • Coffee and Tea
  • V8 Juice or vegetable juice
  • Some orange juices
  • Some sports drinks low in sugar
  • Tomato sauces
  • Whole wheat pastas (in moderation)

This should give someone a start and I way to advance their own ideas.


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