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Monday, June 30, 2008

The power of Science and Technology!

Imagine, a product that is formed from your DNA strand!

What? How can that be?

Well it's actually pretty simple. Take a DNA swap, send it in, get a vitamin produced exactly to your DNA strand. That's the power of science and technology!

"GeneWize is a wholly owned direct-selling subsidiary of a publicly traded genetic bio-sciences company (GeneLink, Inc.), that uses DNA-based genetic tests as the basis for personalizing health, beauty, wellness products. GeneWize markets its propriety genetic assessments and applied compounds to the $100 Billion plus, cosmetic, nutritional supplement, and health care industries. (OTCBB: GNLK)" (as noted on the website

GeneWize has plans to launch this new product to the public come August 3, 2008 in the form of Direct Marketing. The company choose Direct Marketing as its vehicle for distribution. The business model makes more sense here. GeneWize, could have gone and promoted the product via the use of commercials, however the cost to do so is so high. As they have it setup now, more people will understand, trust, and continue to use the products delivered to them. After all we trust a company which someone else is already giving us advice about.

This is a total break through waiting to EXPLODE!

For more information see these links

Here is the company site

This is a little video clip that Fox 4 has done on the apparent company. Mentioned in this story that the defense department funds study in hopes this could improve soldier's strength.


Email me directly for information. (Subject GeneWize Info.)

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Colby Butler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog thanks for the info.

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