No...I don't diet at all. I simply have learned to eat healthier and 5 to 6 times a day. I eat 300-400 calorie meals 5 to 6 times a day and go to the gym.
Do the math.
300 x 5 = 1500 calories
400 x 6 = 2400 calories
When I tell most people this way of life they figure they need to cut their calories and cut what they eat, change everything and all this stuff. Not true
In the beginning its fairly simple. If you eat a lot, cut that amount in half. That is a good start. After you get accustomed to eating this way, change your food to a better quality food.
Then move into the 5 meal a day routine. This is one example.
- Eat a nice breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Major in protein and whole grains with some medium fruit. 450 +/- calories. - Eat a mid day snack or first lunch of 325 +/- calories.
Consist of Protein, vegetables, fruit.
*Eat a mid day snack or second lunch of 325 +/- calories.
Consist of Protein, vegetables, fruit. - Eat dinner of 450 +/- calories. At dinner you can eat a little more because you should be enjoying this meal by slowing down a bit and relaxing.
Large portion of protein, medium vegetables, medium fruit, minor Whole Grains. - Eat after dinner snack 150-200 calories or so. 3 hours after dinner and 1 hour
prior to sleep or somewhere in between.
Examples: Low fat, or no sugar yogurt or pudding, small bowl of whole grain cereal, PB&J.
Some chocolate flavored protein mix is perfect for this time.

This above examples comes out to 1750 calories a day. Some people may require more and some many require less depending on level of activity and body structure. Use as an example.
Better quality food does not have to be expensive either, nothing organic or all that jazz, just more natural, NO TV DINNERS. Look for natural food AVIOD processed foods such as anything premade or frozen entrees.
I spend about $25-$30 a week in lunch for myself, that's it. Lunch meat cold cuts or canned chicken or fish is perfect if you can't cook (tofu and soy can be used if you are a vegan), with some vegetables (broccoli, carrots, or spinach, etc.) add some fruit into the mix (grapes, bananas, apples, fruit medley, etc.) and there you go the perfect fast easy lunch for cheap.
If you can cook your lunch, look for items which are lean and easy to make either during lunch or a day in advanced.
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Colby Butler
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